Tuesday, January 30, 2007


random fruit and half a bagel with cream cheese
two or three cups of coffee
cup of beef barley soup (didn't eat beef)
salad with some turkey, tomatoes and way too much cheese
cake with chocolate chips

I was at the intermediate school district for a meeting. They have free coffee and food.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

An orange
three square of dark chocolate - which I so deserve for being a good girl
Starcrack latte
banana chip muffin
baked potato
green beans

From Memory

Four Guinness at Berkley Front -- from 8 pm to 12 midnight
two containers of yogurt with granola, but not at the same time, the yogurt that is . . .
2 fried dill pickles
One sweet potato burrito with rice in it
two and a half pieces of bread -- sundried tomato bread that tasted like Wonder Bread so I wonder why they bothered
Bottle of water

Friday, January 26, 2007

And then I went to Meijer

Grande Soy Latte with little bits of crank
NO scone
Patty Melt with french fries (Gilbert Fries to be exact)
Iced Tea with pink stuff
Bottle of water

. . . and then nothing because my stomach felt a little off . . .

but bought a bunch of stuff at Meijer this evening

Shit, What Did I Eat Yesterday?

What did I even do yesterday?

Grande Soy Crack Latte
Oh yeah . . . Panera Tuscan Chicken Sandwich (half actually) and French Onion Soup . . . iced tea
And dinner was . . . Taco Bell Salad
glass of wine, unfinished

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Out to Lunch

Grande soy latte
Cinamon chip scone (had to walk inside today, counts as exercise)
Iced tea with packets of yellow stuff
a salad
a Red Robin 'scroom burger and fries
dinner was two glasses of wine -- sipped slowly over three hours
and macaroni and cheese -- the whole wheat noodle kind with the bunny on the box

oh, and I had some cheese slices. Irish cheese. yum.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Not a Healthy Day, But a Good One

Grande Soy Starcrack Latte
Cheese Danish
10 mini-teeny-baby carrots
a piece of pepperoni pizza
20 oz. fountain diet coke
bag of popcorn
Artichoke calzone
Sausage ravioli with tomato sauce
One Propel fitness water with calcium

Yeah, it was yummy. Might have some more water . . . and some vanilla yogurt.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Calories, Calories and Chocolate Cake

grande soy latte -- Starcrack
cinamon scone
side salad with cheese and tomatoes
"cheesy" potato soup, which wasn't all that cheesy in my opinion
a piece of chocolate cake (too big)
some soy milk and coffee mixed together (what the OCC basement cafe calls a soy latte)
a peanut butter cookie

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Sunday Food

12 boneless chicken wings with asst. sauce
one iced tea with sweet n' low
"some" potato wedges
one onion ring
two glasses of wine (so far)
I'd say a cup of peanuts in the shell (so a fourth of a cup shelled)
six little tiny pretzel sticks
a handful of peanut butter pretzels